I started working on this website in February 2020, just weeks before the Covid-19 virus began to spread and take over all our lives. For a time into the crisis, a site dedicated to my thoughts on food, movies, travel and such seemed too self-indulgent to write, much less post to the world. Maybe it still is, but I feel the need for an outlet to express myself, relive some older journeys and lend some measure of support to the restaurants, films and other matters that have meaning to me. So please indulge me in my self-indulgence, and I hope maybe you find some matters that have meaning to you as well.
For restaurants, I admit I’m quite torn. There are certain ones we lean toward for takeout under these Covid circumstances, and I will make note of them. There are many others that remain open and I’d like to try, but we are doing our best to social distance and remain home whenever we can. I want to acknowledge those restaurant owners and staff that are making all efforts to stay open and serve customers, but I also want to stay safe and not put ourselves or any others at risk.
Postscript from February 2022:
The coronavirus took more of a toll on the world and my desire for self-indulgence than I’d expected, and so this site was dormant for two years. Though I kept writing for myself and my family, I couldn’t bring myself to publish what seemed like trivial thoughts publicly. I still haven’t quite decided what to do with this Billzdaze site, but it’s still here and gets a few random visits now and then. It remains a place to publicly post items if and when I feel like it. Beyond that, who knows?